How To Move To Florida If You Are Dirt Poor
Excerpt From My New Book — Order Details Below
As a rule in Florida, the closer you are to the beach the less dirt-cheap real estate you will find. As a result, you will find dirt-cheap deals inland, along what I call the “spine” of Florida. If you locate the zone that is equally between the coasts, you will find that within a one-hour radius of the “spine” there are dirt-cheap prices. Orlando is an exception and south Florida — these areas on the spine are not dirt-cheap. A prime area not considered too often is the Florida panhandle. What is odd about the panhandle is that even within proximity to the beaches you can still find dirt-cheap prices. When you get further inland (an hour from the beaches or more) you will see even more dirt-cheap options.
I filmed a short video the other day in Palatka, Florida. Palatka is a small community that is about 45 minutes from Flagler Beach. It is a small community with a population just over 10,000. At the time of authoring this book (March 2022) there is a large inventory of dirt-cheap homes below $200,000 and even a substantial number of listings below $150,000. This is a discount of 50 percent compared to properties just 45 minutes to the east. Palatka is also a target rich zone for rural properties that qualify for U.S.D.A. 100 percent financing. Palatka is one of hundreds of communities along Florida’s spine that has dirt-cheap real estate. It is easy to find these deals yourself using
I have put all of my strategies in an E-Book that can be read in less than an hour. Get The Entire Book Now As A PDF Download for Just $9.95. Click Here